Shubham Lad

Let's begin the journey

architectural patterns

Hello Hello 👋🏼 !!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share some exciting news about my personal website. Today, I finally settled on a theme that perfectly reflects what I’ve always envisioned. I’ve been wanting a platform where I can not only showcase my achievements but also share my knowledge with others.

I’ve spent quite some time exploring different frameworks, and after lots of trial and error, I’ve ultimately chosen to go with Hugo. It’s a fantastic tool that allows me to easily create and manage my website.

With this new setup, I can now keep you all updated with my latest achievements, share exciting news, and even write blog posts to share my knowledge and insights.

I’m really stoked about this new direction, and I can’t wait to start sharing all the amazing stuff with you. Stay tuned for some awesome updates! 🎉